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The following display of  web addresses are those that I enjoy the most or ones that I feel you may enjoy as well.

Favorite Sites

Well, The Sweet Rust of Sarcasm is a lame little cool band (you may think the words lame and cool don't go together but they do if you know the real meaning of those two words - especially when you put them together). Anyway the TSROS is a lame little cool band which was formed in Brasil in the late 2004-2005 years. Check them out if you want to waste your time and re-learn your laughing skills.
This absolutly does not need and explanation.
These guys are absolutly awesome. They are a funky mix of pop, punk, and good ol' straight up ROCK.
Well these guys basically rule the Rock scene. Nuf said.
What I consider to be at least the 2nd best band out there! YEAH

Relevant Magazine is created by twenty-something Christians who want to break stereotypes, challenge status-quo and enact change through the media. They're seeking God, living life and striving to impact the world around them. It's pretty simple, really. Oh yeah, and they're a self-contained, for-profit business not affiliated with any other companies, denominations or organizations. Relevant Magazine's purpose is to impact culture and show that a relationship with God is relevant and essential to a fulfilled life. - GOD - LIFE  -  PROGRESSIVE CULTURE

favorite music oriented sites

Come on, it's purevolume. Does it really need any explanation.
I suggest that you sign up for a mebership and take advantage
of the playlist. It's rad.

Probably the best indie record lable out there and if I can work up a band good enough they will be my first choice!